Big Brothers Big Sisters

Lorrie was first matched with her "Little Sister" Sara From the Big Brother Big Sister program in October 1985 and the two remain close, even though Sara is now an adult with children of her own.
As a daughter of divorced parents, Lorrie felt strongly about the need to support children living in vulnerable circumstances. Lorrie had numerous mentors throughout her childhood and she recognized the positive and important impact that role models can have on a young person’s life. While she was working as a District Sales Manager at PSA Airlines, Lorrie enrolled in the Big Brothers Big Sisters program in order to give back to her community and enrich the lives of those in need.
The Big Sisters match with Sara, whose father was in prison, not only greatly impacted the little girl, but also made a difference in Lorrie’s life. During the first ten months of their match, Lorrie and Sara met every weekend at their favorite local restaurant. Even with her professional commitments, Lorrie always made time to meet with Sara to cultivate their relationship. Lorrie provided a constant source of support for Sara, and Sara provided a refreshed sense of self for Lorrie.
In 1986, Lorrie met Captain Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger III, the pilot who famously landed US Airways Flight 1549 in the Hudson River on January 15, 2009. When the Sullenberger's later married, it was important to both Lorrie and Sully that Sara play a role in the wedding as she had made such a strong impact on Lorrie’s life. Sara served as the couple’s flower girl, a memory that she cherishes to this day.
Even after the Sullenberger's adopted two children of their own and the Big Brothers Big Sisters match officially ended, Sara and Lorrie remained very close. When Sara was a young adult and needed a place to stay, the Sullenberger's took Sara into their home without question. Lorrie and Sara’s story of unconditional support and reciprocity is a perfect example what Big Brothers Big Sisters is all about.
Please visit the Big Brothers Big Sisters website at
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