Changing the World by Example: A Lesson in Multiplication
- Published on Wednesday, 28 November 2012 05:41
In the December issue of Diablo magazine, I am being honored for volunteer service to the community in the publication's annual "Threads of Hope" feature. I have to say that the absolute best thing about it is that the part of the feature referring to me, about my 25-plus year connection with Big Brothers Big Sisters and with my "little sister" Sara, lets people see the opportunities we all have to lend a guiding hand.
Read more: Changing the World by Example: A Lesson in Multiplication
Be Who You Are
- Published on Thursday, 04 December 2008 00:17

That was the theme of this year’s Women’s Conference or more formally known as The Governor’s and First Lady’s Conference on Women. As in the past, I leave the conference with a hangover of inspiration, enthusiasm, and sheer awe. To be in the room with "A Beautiful Day" by U2 pulsating throughout the convention center and in a day where Maria Shriver sets a tone of openness and compassion is simply electric. More than a few women remarked how celebrities, entertainers, politicians, moms and career women alike shed the walls and barriers that society usually projects and we communicated simply as women one on one.
Lucy Ladies
- Published on Wednesday, 03 December 2008 00:19
Lucy’s Ladies reach the summit! Lorrie Sullenberger ABC-7’s fitness expert recently led a group of Danville women to the North Peak on Mt Diablo in Mt Diablo State Park. The group had won a women’s outdoor adventure at a recent fundraiser where Isaac Mizrahi was the guest for the event. While I have given fitness donations before, sometimes women think it is something like getting the short straw. But not these gals! We started early one Sunday morning at Devils Elbow on Mt Diablo.
Kayak Your Way To Six Pack Abs
- Published on Sunday, 28 September 2008 17:24
Have you noticed a trend in these monthly articles? No, not the occasional dangling participle. Active lifestyle fitness. Precious quality time bonding with your family in a relaxed unstructured way has gotten squeezed out by the hectic pace we all lead. But outdoor recreation fitness gives you the chance to get your exercise in and spend that time with the family. Just because it is fun, doesn’t mean you burn fewer calories! Quite the contrary, scientific research shows the more we reduce our overall stress the more efficiently our bodies burn calories.
Exercise: Fountain of Youth
- Published on Sunday, 28 September 2008 17:23
I have never been one of those people who reads the obituaries. Kind of thought that was weird. But recently while reading a local newspaper I caught the age of a gentleman who had passed. His age was 62. As a matter of fact there were two gentlemen of that age listed. That’s old I thought, until it hit me, those of us 40 somethings closer now to 50 are skidding head long into our 60’s. Having had my children later in life, I will have children in college while in my 60’s. Isn’t 60 the new 40, or at least 50? I have been saying for years that my daily exercise is more about mental health than a dress size. So it is no surprise that I began to ponder this thought in depth more recently on my daily walks.
Happy 50th Birthday
- Published on Sunday, 28 September 2008 17:21
Within a few days of this writing I will turn the big 5…0… Don’t get me wrong, I don’t feel 50 and frankly don’t think I look it (with the help of a little Clairol). But, it is a weird thought. What is 50 supposed to feel and look like these days? I thought at this magic age the wisdom of the ages was supposed to be bestowed upon me somehow. Life’s questions and uncertainties about relationships and ourselves would just slip away. Apparently not! And so in honor of my birthday, I am going to write the fitness article I have been saving for this very special occasion.
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